Home Page Slider
Home Page Slider
This section is used to manage the homepage sliding images.
To add a new slider:
Click on the Home Page Slider subsection.
Click on the Add Home Slider button to open the slider creation page.
Fill in the following details:
Field Name
Slider Name Enter a unique name for the slider to identify it.
Slider Description Provide a short description of the slider, if applicable.
Slider Image Upload an image file for the slider (recommended size: 1920x480 pixels).
Status Set the status to Active or Inactive to show or hide the slider on the homepage.
Click Save to create the new slider.
The saved data will be the list view.
Now using the sort order column you can set the sort order of the slider and then click on the Update Sort Order button to update the order.
Based on the data configured in the Home Page settings, the corresponding results will be displayed on the website's Home Page